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LPL Financial

AVP Strategy, Design Researcher

As the sole design researcher in the Strategy and New Ventures Business Division, I led several research and user testing initiatives. Utilizing rapid prototyping and testing, we quickly assessed the viability of new concepts with financial advisors and their staff. My role involved accurately communicating user needs and advocating for their concerns to ensure our solutions were effective and sustainable.

What I learnt from this experience

Coming from a design background, understanding the nuances of an IBD for financial advisory was challenging. It pushed me out of my comfort zone as I quickly gathered information and pieced together this new ecosystem. I learned that I didn't need to be a subject matter expert as long as I could facilitate and capture the data to understand our clients' needs and challenges.

I learned to adapt my design thinking approach to the fast-paced work culture of the Corporate Strategy Team at LPL. A key part of my role was advocating for the value of design principles, explaining them in a digestible format to stakeholders. By assisting different teams with their initiatives, I gradually gained their trust. I centralized design research requests and data, consulting on achieving research objectives.


Design Researcher

During my one-year contract with 3M Health Care (now Solventum), I contributed to the Medical Solutions and Food Safety Divisions, applying design thinking principles and research methodologies to complex healthcare systems. I engaged in service, industrial, and user experience projects, collaborating with physicians, patients, and professionals to map the patient journey from diagnosis to home health services. Conducting ethnographic research, I studied front-end and back-end processes, communicating findings to inform design approaches. I also led user testing, focus groups, and workshops, mapping services and ecosystems to support ongoing projects.

What I learnt from this experience

I had the opportunity to work alongside and be mentored by experienced designers, adapting design plans for colleagues from non-design backgrounds and advocating for the value of design. I applied classroom theories and practices to sensitive healthcare settings, enhancing patient care through thoughtful design and comprehensive research. This role significantly expanded my understanding of design’s impact in the healthcare industry.

HII Newport News Shipbuilding


Was part of a multidisciplinary team working on computer product models for US Navy aircraft carrier ships. Created technical drawings and spec sheets. Worked on various commodities with niche on-the-job learning, working with complex softwares and data compilation and configuration. Our team worked quick turnovers while adhering to strict deadlines. On site carrier ship visits for in-field research.

What I learnt from this experience

Not to be afraid to ask for help. How problem solving as a team is easier and an effective way to learn. I learnt how to adapt and fill various role requirements with hands on learning and training. The ability to coordinate and work across multiple teams while maintaining a clear line of communication. Also being able to provide and accept constructive feedback and the ability to quickly implement the changes necessary.

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Yagna iQ Inc.

Freelance Designer

Mapped company’s working and infrastructure. Created visuals and maps to convey complex information to the clients. In charge of client presentations by formulating the flow and structure of the business proposal and presentation. Worked directly with the Yagna iQ Inc. team and implemented client feedback.

What I learnt from this experience

I was able to work closely with the team and clients. I learnt how to interpret and present complex data. It taught me how to identify and implement brand language and identity. This experience pushed me out of my comfort zone by pushing me to study a field of work that was complicated with really tight deadlines and all while being the sole designer on this project.

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 Ticket Design Pvt. Ltd.

Industrial Design Intern

Worked on the initial phase of the Paras Dairy package design project. In charge of research and client presentations Conducted interviews, research workshops, in field observations and user testing sessions. Compiled and conducted secondary research for the project including product market comparison and analysis. Marketing and branding trend research, product design and renders. Ideation for product sketches

What I learnt from this experience

This experience taught me how to work within a multidisciplinary team, consisting of industrial designers, engineers and graphic designers. I learnt several technical as well as soft skills from my colleagues and mentors. I was able to practice ethnographic tools during the research process. This process was also guided by Ticket Design’s design process, 3L (Look, Listen, Live).



Industrial Design Intern and Event Manager

Lead client interactions and presentations Lead Solidworks and Keyshot modeler. Managed and coordinated team meetings and communications. Conducted Primary and Secondary Research and User Testing. Ideation sketching and conceptualization.

What I learnt from this experience

This opportunity was my first experience working with real world clients and in a professional setting. I had the opportunity to work and interact with our clients and even lead presentations. It helped me to work and grow as a designer overall. Being able to see the fruit of labor, with our final concepts being taken to production, was very rewarding.